Organising committee

This year the buex committee consists of four persons.

Chairman:  Michelle van Grinsven

Secretary: Niels  Vertegaal

Treasurer:  Frank Boerman

Public Relations: Marcella Gunther



On this page we want to introduce ourselves to you.




“Hi, I am Michelle. I am 21 years old and a third year student of electrical engineering. This year I am also the treasurer of our study association Thor. Besides my function as a board member, I like to play soccer and during holidays I travel a lot. The Czech Republic is a country I haven’t visited before and besides its culture I am very curious to see how the technological envirionment is and what the differences are compared to The Netherlands”




“Hello, my name is Niels and I am 20 years old. Just like Michelle and Frank I am a third year student electrical engineering. Currently I am also the commissioner of education and bartender at Het Walhalla. I am interested in many things and always try to broaden my view. A studytrip is a wonderfull oppertunity for this. Besides vistiting the interesting high-tech companies I can’t wait to visit the brewery in Pilzen and taste the famous beer.”




“Eventhough most of the people know me already I will introduce myself as well. I am Frank, 21 years old and third year electrical engineering student. In my free time I program a lot and I have various hobby projects. I never participated in a studytrip before and to be sure that I got the chance to participate in the next trip I joined the organizing committee. I hope to develop organizing skills and get experience in finance since I am the treasurer. ”




“Hello, I am Marcella, 21 years old and third year student Automotive. I plan to get my bachelor degree this summer after which I have plenty of time for organizing this studytrip. I have also participated in the lasttwo trips AU-Tech (Germany) and Prosperando (Brazil).  The nice thing of a studytrip is that you have the unique change to visit companies and their labs and therefore come at places you normally don’t have access to. It is interesting to see how the knowledge you gain during lectures is applied in industry. For this trip I expect to learn new things and hope to see the differences between Eindhoven, Germany, Brazil and Czech Republic.”