The last day started a bit later than the other days. After some partying the last night, this was not excessive luxury for some people. Also the rest didn’t mind sleeping an extra hour or two. Yesterday were the last excursions to companies, and today a brewery (or more underground holes would be visited).
When finally everybody was at the vans we could drive to Plzen. There the committee wisely decided to stop for three hours at a supermarket, McDonald’s and of course the most useful shop: a Hornbach. When every inch of the three shops were inspected it was time for a visited to the underground tunnels.
In the tunnels we got two surprises. The first one: the temperature was bearable and not 100 degrees as it was outside. The other was that we got the most excited and enthusiastic guide there is to find. This was even improved by the quality of the English pronunciation. Therefore we were also allowed to make only one picture. During the tour we were explained a lot about medieval things found in the ground. Of course also a bit about beer, because the tunnels were built for that. But for the guide this was probably not the most important part. Unfortunately there was an end to the cold.
But we were going to a restaurant to eat some traditional Czech food, with lots of meat, fat and beer. At the end we got a nice speech from Niels. And of course it was time for some presents for the committee, because of the journey. After the presents they probably regretted that we stopped at Hornbach.
Finally it was time to leave for Eindhoven. The partybusch was not the same, so it was quieter in the vans (maybe also because of the trip). We arrived very early in Eindhoven, and with an extra round, some nice music, we ended Spolu.
By Ralph and Thomas